Elipson Record Clamp


Elipson Record Clamp

UGS : ND Catégorie :


Elipson Record Clamp

The Elipson Record clamp eliminates the vibrations of the vinyl on the plate. The weight applied by the Record clamp stabilises the vinyl and limits the deformation it may be subjected to.

Available in two finishes, black leather or aged natural leather, the Elipson Record clamp guarantees a better sound quality and a more refined listening of your vinyl record.

Thanks to its weight of 0.5 kg, the Elipson Record clamp avoids vibrations when playing vinyl records.

It is positioned in the centre of your turntable and thus improves the contact between the record and the turntable.

In addition to reducing vibrations, the Elipson turntable Record clamp also limits the deformation of your vinyl records, and when they are already deformed, to reduce

Specifications :

Record clamp for vinyl turntable

  • Matter : 302 Stainless Steel & Leather
  • Dimensions: Diameter 70 mm
  • Weight :500g

