Gryphon KODO : Speaker
In both aesthetics and construction, Kodo embodies all the hallmarks of fine Danish furniture. Its four, gracefully curved enclosures require 110 hours of artisanal hand craftsmanship to complete. Designed to complement any décor or owner preference, detachable “Wings” allow an unlimited range of finish options, making each pair unique to its owner. (Carbon-Fiber has proven a popular option.)
The components housed in these cabinets are even more special: all 38 drivers have been custom designed for Kodo and are exclusive to Gryphon. Each Bass Tower utilizes eight 8” woofers which combine massive output and extension with remarkable speed and agility. A specially designed Gryphon amplifier has been purpose-engineered to maximize the performance of these drivers. While most bass amplifiers are inexpensive switching designs, a 1000-watt (4000 watt, 4.5 Hp peak power) Gryphon-built, class AB Amplifier handles each Kodo Bass Tower, facilitating linear output to a subterranean 16 Hz. And because speakers don’t play in a vacuum, Active Q Control—a Gryphon exclusive—enables Kodo’s prodigious bass to be custom-tailored to each listener’s room.
The second pair of Kodo Towers handles all signals above 250Hz, dividing frequencies between six 5.5” lower midrange drivers and four 4.5” upper midrange drivers, all symmetrically arrayed around our AMT (Air-Motion Transformer) Tweeter. With 96 dB Sensitivity and a stiff 4 Ohm impedance, Kodo will excel with any high quality amplifier the user prefers. Remarkably, all Kodo drivers are in-phase at all times, an accomplishment that no other speaker manufacturer can claim, thanks to Duelund Constant Phase technologies. Based on the seminal work of Danish mathematician Steen Duelund, Kodo’s ideal phase behavior is the result of custom-built crossover components created by Gryphon in close collaboration with the world’s finest driver manufacturers, as well as concave, curved front baffles which enable a direct angled, time-aligned system with identical distance from the listener to the acoustic center of each driver.