Ideon Audio EOS Stream

 11.300 11.600

Ideon Audio EOS Stream

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Ideon Audio EOS Stream : Streamer

The Ideon Audio eos Stream utilizes trickle-down technologies and R&D gained, from our extensive work with our flagship Absolute Stream. Most of the Absolute Stream’s innovations and designs are found in the eos Stream in its own scale.

The eos Stream is an audiophile music server/streamer which renders music files.

It is a high-performance device which will play all your musical libraries whether they are on an external hard-disk or NAS. Furthrmore, the eos Stream will play audio from internet streaming sources, like web radio and streaming services such as Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, etc.

The Ideon Audio Design principles

As with all Ideon offerings, the eos Stream is a fully proprietary design, with audio technologies developed in-house.

When we set out to design the eos Stream, we aimed at achieving dynamic, life-like natural sound to complement the eos DAC and offer a high level of musical satisfaction, rarely found in digital playback.

This high-quality target led us to conceive the eos Stream as an audio device (in a very similar approach to the Absolute Stream) dedicated to music playback, rather than as a computer tweaked to play music.

Real-Time core playback

Core CPU highly prioritized for audio playback only, ensuring optimized performance and sound quality (same approach as with the Absolute Stream).

Realize the potential of your music

The eos Stream will play your private libraries from HDs or NAS, it works as a Roon bridge rendering your music into the device’s CPU, and of course, it renders Internet streaming services with maximum possible integration (Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, Web radios, etc)

Future-proof re-clocking / phase correction

For jitter elimination, a specially designed re-clocking circuit, comprising of a femto clock architecture, embedded in eos Stream as standard and not as an option with extra charge. This is an upgradable platform for any future technology advancements.

Independent power lines, special power for the rendering CPU

Separate, discrete, power lines with low noise linear power within the eos Stream circuit, provide the different voltage levels the device requires.

What we discovered during the design of the Absolute Stream – that the quality of transient current going to the CPU affected sound with the sonic result to be astonishing – was also implemented in the eos Stream. Thus, to improve transient current quality, accordingly, we implemented a proprietary, ultra-low esr, bypass power filter with superlative results in the sound.

Another unique advantage of the eos Stream circuit is the total absence of switching power supplies – not even intermediate ones within the CPU power rails.

Emphasis in noise elimination

Keeping in mind that sound quality is the foremost consideration, we avoided internal noise-inducing peripheral circuits as much as possible. Thereby, the eos Stream’s simplified, bare-bones operation provides superlative sound quality to the user—which is the music-lover’s target in the first place.



  • Real-time core playback. Rendering CPU highly prioritized for audio playback only, ensuring highly optimized sound quality
  • Works as Roon bridge, rendering your music from NAS or HDs into the eos Stream’s core CPU
  • Internet streaming services ready with maximum allowed integration or via UPNP (Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, internet radio)
  • Proprietary, femto clock re-clocking circuit on an upgradable platform
  • Ultra low-esr capacitors power bank, and hand-made audiophile transformer
  • Silicon carbide diodes deployed to minimize  diode-rectification noise
  • Low-noise, linear power supplies, across all board voltage points
  • Proprietary, ultra-low esr special bypass power filter improving the transient current for the CPU
  • Simplified, bare-bones operation avoids internal noise-inducing circuits
  • Audiophile design throughout


SUPPORTED FORMATS (INPUT DEPENDENT) 44.1kHz to 384kHz PCM up to 32 bits, any DSD (up to 8xDSD)
SYSTEM SSD 120GB for OS system
INTERNAL STORAGE *Optional 1- 4TB for Music Libraries
DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT 2 X USB with proprietary Re-Clocking (one with 5v rail, one without)
INPUT Ethernet
EXTERNAL CONNECTIVITY 2 X USB 3.0 for external HD Music Libraries
POWER SUPPLY 3 X low noise linear power supplies (for all different voltage needs). No Switching power supply at any point of the device
DIMENSIONS (W x H x D) 460 x 70 x 295 mm ( (18.1 x 2.7 x 11.6 in)
WEIGHT 10 kg (~ 22 lbs)



Ideon Audio