Pen Audio Ambient Two : Speaker
Penaudios Ambient line is company’s most economical line of all time. But it does not mean that we are downshifting our quality. We have selected the best components: drivers, crossover, cabinet out of the best price/quality ratio and made our magic with their sound. We achieved totally new line that competes with the best in Penaudios new price range.
Ambient series bases on same tweeter and midrange woofer combination and together with similar cross-over design and cabinet tuning they are perfect match for stereo and multi channel system purposes mixed and match.
Ambient Two is 2.5 half way reflex loaded floorstander. Its lower midrange bass actually works lowest notes with upper midrange/woofer but is filtered off above 140 Hz. So that makes speaker more directive in upper bass, low middle and middle frequencies. Speaker sounds due that more precise and fast.
in room response36 – 30000 Hz
(48 – 30000 Hz, -3 dB)