Gryphon Trident II


Gryphon Trident II


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Gryphon Trident II : Speaker

Gryphon products are never “flavour of the month.” They withstand the test of time and remain at the forefront in their respective categories for many years, because of the obsessive level of attention lavished on every aspect of the design.

Based on Gryphon’s single-minded unity of purpose and tightly focused, well-defined objective – musical purity – change is never pursued for its own sake. Revisions are implemented only when they offer a clear, significant step forward in musicality.

Fortunately, innovation comes naturally at Gryphon Audio Designs, where we take equal pleasure in pure, ground-breaking research and in the unalloyed joy proud users the world over derive from the fruits of our labours.

Gryphon Trident II is housed in a slimmer, taller, massively braced enclosure with precisely contoured baffle and driver surrounds and baffle covering carefully selected and applied to effectively address baffle reflections and eliminate diffraction phenomena.

The most crucial upgrade in Trident II is the implementation of an AMT (Air Motion Transformer) high frequency driver with minimal mass for instantaneous response to the audio signal.

Because of its large surface area, the pleated diaphragm structure energises a large air volume with minimal diaphragm motion, for a highly desirable point source sonic presentation. Eliminating fundamental issues of mass, inertia and internal resonance, the Gryphon Trident II high frequency driver offers lightning fast transients, combining flat frequency response well beyond 25 kHz with extremely low distortion and a total absence of compression.

By implementing a unique configuration of dedicated bass power amplifier in conjunction with heavily modified drivers, handmade crossover components, proprietary Q Control room integration and a non-resonant enclosure, the Gryphon Trident II elegantly sidesteps the electrical and mechanical problems which plague lesser systems consisting of randomly assembled stock components.

Conceptual and industrial design is as always by Gryphon founder Flemming E. Rasmussen.




Gryphon Audio