


SPEC RPA-W7EX : Stereo Power Amplifier

RPA-W7EX reproduces extremely realistic sound as if you are at a live of recording. A large amount of information, high musical resolution, and natural resonance contribute to bring you actual « Real Sound”. You can hear the rich texture of the saxophone in jazz, minute expressions in the orchestra, and the lyrical tone of the violin.

Two technologies for Real Sound

RPA-W7EX reproduces a lot of natural tonal characteristics and minute signals by converging two technologies, « Audio class switching power supply » and « CLASS D ». As we try to get as close to live sound, the amount of information is a critical factor. These technologies drive speakers with greater speed and control precisely against counter-electromotive forces. (Please refer to “TECHNOLOGY” tab in this site) You can hear all of tones in the content.

The advantage of switching technology

Some people may have negative impressions of « CLASS D » or switching power supply. This is likely because we didn’t have good devices about 10 years ago. It was difficult to switch large amounts of current quickly and accurately. Today’s switching technology has been vastly improved. Additionally, SPEC CORP. has been developing parts for optimal switching circuits. Now we can easily enjoy the benefits of switching technology.

PURE DIRECT CONNECTION between pre-amplifier and power-amplifier reproduces very small signals as it is, raw and untouched

Additionally SPEC CORP. proposes a principled approach for the Power Amplifier. Built-in volume control devise controlled by a control signal which makes it possible to reproduce very small signal untouched. PURE DIRECT CONNECTION can make the input level of Power Amplifier large as same as output level of source device. Conventional method must lower the input level to a very low level because the Power Amplifier has a very high gain. This is a counterproductive method because very low level signal transmissions are subject to noise and some of detail will disappear. With this large level transmission, RPA-W7EX can amplify extraordinarily small signals. You can hear absolutely all of the tones within the content. You can materialize this connection using SPEC PRE-AMP “RPA-P7EX” or tiny box “H-VC1” which simply generates volume control signal.


Specifications :

Maximum output 100 W × 2 (4Ω)
Frequency response 10 Hz – 30 kHz ±1dB (6Ω, 1W)
Line input terminals XLR input : 1 RCA inputs : 1
External dimensions 350mm(width)× 95mm(height)×375 mm(depth)
Weight 6.2kg
